To answer these questions, you must know the difference between internal and external conflicts. Once you know it, it'll be pretty easy for you to find out yourself.
Step-by-step explanation:
Internal conflict means inside. It is mental, in your head. For example: "Paul was angry at himself for submitting the wrong answer to the test."
External conflict is outside conflict. It is from an other person or force. For example: "John was punched repeatedly by Jacob."
Internal is like emotions or how you feel emotionalally. External is physical with someone or something else.
1. Fire is external.
2. Failure(or the concept of, in this case) is internal.
3. Invaders are external.
4. A bully is external.
5. Temper(being angry) is internal.
6. Shyness is internal. He feels shy inside, so it is internal.