The area of the shaded region between
or 8.554%.
Step-by-step explanation:
To solve this question, we need to find the corresponding probabilities for the standardized values (or z-scores) z = 1.23 and z = 0.86, and then subtract both to obtain the area of the shaded region between these two z-scores.
We need to having into account that a z-score is given by the following formula:

- x is a raw score from the distribution that we want to standardize using [1].
is the mean of the normal distribution.
is the standard deviation of the normal distribution.
A z-score indicates the distance of x from the mean in standard deviations units, where a positive value "tell us" that x is above
, and conversely, a negative that x is below
The standard normal distribution is a normal distribution with
, and has probabilities for standardized values obtained using [1]. All these probabilities are tabulated in the standard normal table (available in any Statistical book or on the Internet).
Using the cumulative standard normal table, for
, the corresponding cumulative probability is:

The steps are as follows:
- Consult the cumulative standard table using z = 1.2 as an entry. Z-scores are in the first column of the mentioned table.
- In the first row of it we have +0.00, +0.01, +0.02 and, finally, +0.03. The probability is the point that result from the intersection of z = 1.2 and +0.03 in the table, which is
Following the same procedure, the cumulative probability for

Subtracting both probabilities (because we need to know the area between these two values) we finally obtain the corresponding area between them (two z-scores):

Therefore, the area of the shaded region between
or 8.554%.
We can see this resulting area (red shaded area) in the graph below for a standard normal distribution,
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