The probability is 0.461
Since six tanks contain high viscosity material, it means that 18 does not contain since the total number of tanks is 24.
Now, here, we know that we are selecting a total of 4 tanks.
out of the tanks with high viscosity materials, we will be selecting one only while out of the others without viscosity materials we shall need selecting three.
the number of ways we can select one tank with viscosity material from a total of six tanks will be 6C1 = 6 ways
Now, we want to select three from the remaining 18 tanks
The number of ways we can do this is 18C3 = 816 ways
Finally, we are selecting 4 out of 24 tanks.
The number of ways we can do this is 24C4 = 10,626 ways
Now, we proceed to calculate the probability.
Kindly note that we are selecting 1 from 4 and 3 from 18
The term ‘and’ in probability means we are multiplying the probabilities of these events together and thus, that means that we are going to combine our numbers of selections.
So the total number of ways in which we can select 1 out of 3 and 3 out of 18 will be = 6 * 816 = 4,896 ways
The probability would now be 4896/10626 = 0.461