Enjambment can be defined as a continuation which maintain a rhythm of the sentence in the poem across a line break perpetual of end stopping. It helps the reader to move from one line to another without breaking the reader's interest.
And the third rule of imagism by Ezra pound was "as regarding rhythm: to compose in the sequence of the musical phrase, not it sequences of metronome"
Step-by-step explanation:
Ezra Pound prefers the musical phrase on musical metronome because according to him it's better to write poetry like group phrase in which words and lines are interconnected with each other subject did not change but the words of expression. On the other hand metronome creates the expected and regular pattern of sound which means you can't skip the beat.
And same is the case of enjambment in the poem it acts like the musical phrase with some curiosity, change of words but the subject remains the same.