The program is as follows (See attachment)
Comments are used to explain some lines
Fname = input("Enter Employee First Name: ")
Lname = input("Enter Employee Last Name: ")
Salary = float(input("Enter Employee Salary: "))
Ratings = int(float(input("Enter Employee Ratings: ")))
#Initialize bonus rate to 0; This will be used if ratings is 4 or 4
bonusRate = 0.0
if Ratings == 1:
bonusRate =0.25 #If ratings is 1, bonus rate is 0.25
elif Ratings == 2:
bonusRate = 0.15 #If ratings is 2, bonus rate is 0.15
elif Ratings == 3:
bonusRate = 0.1 #If ratings is 3, bonus rate is 0.1
bonus = Salary * bonusRate
print(Lname+" "+Fname+"'s employee bonus is "+str(bonus))
#End of Program
Step-by-step explanation:
The program saves the employee's first name and last name in variables Fname and Lname, respectively
The employee's salary is saved as float datatype in variable Salary
The employee's ratings is saved as int datatype in variable Ratings
For ratings greater than or equal to 4, the bonusRate is set to 0.0; this is done on line 6 of the program
Line 7 to 12 check if employee Ratings is 1, 2 or 3 and the respective bonusRate is used
Line 13 calculates the employee's bonus
Line 14 prints the employee's bonus
The program is ended on line 15