1854 policy that open to Japanese ports to USmerchant ships. - TREATY OF KANAGAWA
Resulted in Japanese victory; demonstrated power of new Japanese military to the world. - RUSSO-JAPANESE WAR
1899 informal policy that gave foreign Nations equal access to trading rights in China. - OPEN DOOR POLICY
Marked the end of the shogun rule and feudalism and the establishment of imperial Japan - MEIJI RESTORATION
peasant revolt against Qing dynasty in China that lasted 14 years but failed to topple the government. - TAIPING REBELLION
Campaign led by Qing emperor Guang Xu to modernize China and compete with Western nations. - 100 DAYS OF REFORM
signed after Opium Wars; forced China to open more ports to British trade and established extraterritoriality rights for British citizens. - TREATY OF NANJING
1900 uprising, in which Chinese nationalist attacked foreign missionaries and businesspeople; was suppressed after foreign intervention - BOXER REBELLION