1 vote
Assume that you have a list of n home maintenance/repair tasks (numbered from 1 to n ) that must be done in numeric order on your house. You can either do each task i yourself at a positive cost (that includes your time and effort) of c[i] . Alternatively, you could hire a handyman who will do the next 4 tasks for the fixed cost h (regardless of how much time and effort those 4 tasks would cost you). The handyman always does 4 tasks and cannot be used if fewer than four tasks remain. Create a dynamic programming algorithm that finds a minimum cost way of completing the tasks. The inputs to the problem are h and the array of costs c[1],...,c[n] .

a) Find and justify a recurrence (without boundary conditions) giving the optimal cost for completing the tasks. Use M(j) for the minimum cost required to do the first j tasks.

b) Give an O(n) -time recursive algorithm with memoization for calculating the M(j) values.

c) Give an O(n) -time bottom-up algorithm for filling in the array.

d) Describe how to determine which tasks to do yourself, and which tasks to hire the handyman for in an optimal solution.

User Astri
4.6k points

1 Answer

5 votes


Step-by-step explanation:

(a) The recurrence relation for the given problem is :

T(n) = T(n-1) + T(n-4) + 1

(b) The O(n) time recursive algorithm with memoization for the above recurrence is given below :

Create a 1-d array 'memo' of size, n (1-based indexing) and initialize its elements with -1.

func : a recursive function that accepts the cost array and startingJobNo and returns the minimum cost for doing the jobs from startingJobNo to n.

Algorithm :

func(costArr[], startingJobNo){


then return 0

END if

if(memo[startingJobNo] != -1)

then return memo[startingJobNo];

END if

int ans1 = func(costArr, startingJobNo+1) + costArr[startingJobNo]

int ans2 = func(costArr, startingJobNo+4) + h

memo[startingJobNo] = min(ans1,ans2);

return memo[startingJobNo];



First, Create a 1-d array 'dp' of size, N+1.

dp[0] = 0

bottomUp(int c[]){

for i=1 till i = n


dp[i] = min(dp[i-1] + c[i], dp[max(0,i-4)] + h);


return dp[n];



Modifying the algorithm given in part (b) as follows to know which job to do yourself and in which jobs we need to hire a handyman.

First, Create a 1-d array 'memo' of size, n (1-based indexing) and initialize its elements with -1.

Next, Create another 1-d array 'worker' of size,n (1-based indexing) and initialize its elements with character 'y' representing yourself.

Algorithm :

func(costArr[], startingJobNo){


then return 0

END if

if(memo[startingJobNo] != -1)

then return memo[startingJobNo];

END if

int ans1 = func(costArr, startingJobNo+1) + costArr[startingJobNo]

int ans2 = func(costArr, startingJobNo+4) + h

if(ans2 < ans1)


for (i = startingJobNo; i<startingJobNo+4 and i<=n; i++)


// mark worker[i] with 'h' representing that we need to hire a mechanic for that job

worker[i] = 'h';

END for

END if

memo[startingJobNo] = min(ans1,ans2);

return memo[startingJobNo];


//the worker array will contain 'y' or 'h' representing whether the ith job is to be done 'yourself' or by 'hired man' respectively.

User Diroallu
5.1k points