46/ 67
The numbers of students irrespective of grades is;
The sum of the last roll of numbers:
10+24+ 33+ 67 = 134
The number of males irrespective of grades is the sum of the numbers in the male row ;
7 +20+ 14 +41= 82
The numbers of students with grade A is the first column at the last row and is 10;
the probability that the student was male OR got an 'A' is
the probability that the student was male plus the probability that he/she got an 'A'.
The probability that it's a male is ;
Number of males/ total number of students
The probability that he got an A is;
The number of students that got A/ the total number of students;
the probability that the student was male OR got an 'A' is;
82/ 134 + 10/134 = 92/134 = 46/ 67