The Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient (PMCC) is a numerical value between -1 and 1 that shows the strength of the linear relationship between two variables.
Given the result of 10 hospital patients which were sampled below:
![\left|\begin{array}c$Patient&A&B&C&D&E&F&G&H&I&J\\$Age (X) in Years&20&25&50&30&45&60&10&15&35&70\\$B.P.(Y) in mmHg&80&85&125&90&100&135&80&70&100&140\end{array}\right|]()
To determine the product moment correlation coefficient for the data, we follow the steps below:
Step 1: Find the following as it was done in the table below.

Step 2: Take the sum of every column to obtain:

Step 3: Use the following formula to find the PMCC.
![r=\frac{n\cdot\sum{XY} - \sum{X}\cdot\sum{Y}}{\sqrt{\left[n \sum{X^2}-\left(\sum{X}\right)^2\right] \cdot \left[n \sum{Y^2}-\left(\sum{Y}\right)^2\right]}}](
![=(10\cdot 40425 - 360\cdot1005)/(√(\left[10*16500)-\left(360\right)^2\right] \cdot \left[10*106475-\left(1005\right)^2\right])}](

- When r is closer to 1, there is a strong positive relationship between the variables.
- A value of 0 indicates that there is no relationship between the variables.
- Values close to -1 signal a strong negative relationship between the two variables.
Since r=0.96 which is closer to 1, we conclude that there is a strong relationship between the age and the high blood pressure related deaths in the state.