Yellow corns = 84
White corns = 840
We are given the following details:
Number of plants in each row = 42
Number of rows of yellow corn = 2
Number of rows of white corn = 20
To count the number of yellow corns planted, we can add the number 42, 2 number of times i.e.
42 + 42 = 84 .
We can multiply 42 by 2 i.e. 42
2 = 84
To count the number of white corns planted, we can add the number 42, 20 number of times i.e.
42 + 42+ 42+ 42+ 42 ..... + 42 (20 times ) .
We can multiply 42 by 20 i.e. 42
20 = 84
In other words, the formula can be seen as:
Number of corns of one type = Number of plants in a row
Number of rows of one type
So, number of white corns = 42
20 = 840
Hence, the answer is:
Yellow corns = 84
White corns = 840