Answer: Check your schedule and pack your bag the night before! This is very important because it will give you time to find and place all the correct books you need for the next day without the added presure of being late for school.
Have your clothes laid out the night before. If your schedule requires you wearing any special clothes i.e. your P.E kit, put that out instead.
Get enought sleep. This is often underestimated but you need to make sure you are getting at least 8 hours of sleep for your brain to function to it’s fullest and not be like a zombie!
Eat a good breakfast. This wil give you energy for the rest of the day.
Make sure you have your school canteen order/ money with you or a healthy packed lunch. Avoid croissants and crisps and opt for something nutricious. You will need a snack and lunch every day to fuel your body.
Have a regular bath and bedtime. Being clean will keep you healthy, make you feel good and revitalise you. An added bonus is that you will smell nice and more people will want to hang out with you.
Always check your backpacks for homework, graded papers, invitations and memos. Put them in the right place and get rid of unwanted items. It will leave your backpack much lighter!
Set aside a special place to do your homework straight after school. Don’t leave it before bedtime because you will be too tired and it will take you double the time to finish it.
So there you have it!
Step-by-step explanation: