To find the probability of a certain set, we must add the probability of the points that are contained in the specific set.
a) P(A): Add the probability of 1,3,5. That is P(1)+P(3)+P(5) = 0.5
. This set has no points in it, so its probability is 0.
c) P(A\cup B \cup C): Add the probability of 1,2,3,4,5,6. So, it is 1.
. P(C) is the probability by summing 5,6,2 so P(C) = 0.5. So
That is, all the points that are in A but not in C. So add 1,3. Then the probability is 0.4
, using the definition of conditional probabily and results a,b.
f) Two events are mutually exlusive if the probability of their intersection is 0. In this case A and C are not mutually exclusive, since
is the probability of 5, that is 0.1. Since 0.1>0, they are not mutually exclusive.