Swift is satirizing the state's neglect of caring for the poor.
Step-by-step explanation:
In "Modest Proposal" Swift addresses a solution for the large number of poor children who are abandoned, or stay on the streets asking for alms and end up growing and becoming social problems, like thieves, due to the lack of opportunities.
The solution that Switf shows is that these poor children must be bought and fed by wealthy families and once they are fat enough, serve as food for these families, in addition, the skin can be used to make clothing. In the text, he shows how the cost benefit of this can be good for the country, since it provides money for poor mothers, prevents children from being abandoned or stay on the street disturbing wealthy families and provides a raw material for food and clothing. cheaper than conventional raw material.
With this text, Swift sought to satirize the state's neglect to address the problems of poor society, in addition to showing how poor people were of no value to rich people.