The population pyramids show that the US population more than doubled in the years between 1950 and 2015 from 150 million to 320 million. Also, the demographic makeup of the population changed. In 1950, young people made up a large percentage of the population and became known as the baby boom generation. This term refers to the increase in people born just after World War II in the United States. In 2015, the population is more evenly divided between ages and genders, although there is a growth in the amount of older Americans, which once again shows the effects of the baby boomers.
The drastic increase in the overall US population undoubtedly has had an impact on the US physical environment. A population that has doubled means that cities and towns have also probably doubled in size on average. Urban sprawl and pollution has become a more serious problem between 1950 and 2015. It doesn’t seem that the population could double again between 2015 and 2070, but the US population will likely continue to grow, resulting in more potential pollution and environmental problems in the United States.
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