Title of the speech to develop:
Would it be possible to be happy and really live in a safe world?
Step-by-step explanation:
Would it be possible to be happy and really live in a safe world?
Who does not dream of living in a world free from injustice ?, Who does not dream of living in freedom from fear and no longer be a slave to bribery and crime? Yes, we all want to achieve that true freedom. But will it be possible ?. To answer this question, let's look at some factors that limit that freedom to living without fear.
Really living without fear or being free from fear, may seem like an individual factor as if it depended on each of us, but that is not the reality, we are social beings, we live in community, and our actions affect those of other people. that surround us. In addition to the above, we live under systems or forms of government that in a certain way should give us that freedom from fear, but unfortunately this is not the case; mismanagement, hunger, poverty, increases crime and therefore fear when leaving our homes, fear that it will threaten our life or that of our family, that is why we need a fair and equitable system to make them disappear. all the injustices and crime that originates from inequality, and in this way eradicating fear shows lives.
All of us at some point have been victims of fear due to external factors such as crime, in a personal experience of my life as a child my family and I were victims of robbery in our own house, vandals entered and threatened our lives if not we gave money, the above shows perhaps the same experience that many families in the world have to face, which is very unfortunate; We need a change not only economic but social, to learn to value more the life of the human being and understand that violence and injustice only generates more poverty and fear.