2 Years, 9 Months, 3 Weeks, 5 Days and 1 Hour
2,798.5 miles from L.A. to New York, an ant travels at 3 inches a second, we multiply 3 by 60 to get 120 inches a minute convert that into feet to get 10 feet, now multiply that by another 60 to get 600 feet an hour now multiply 600 by 24 to get 14,400 feet a day convert that into miles to get 2.72 miles a day now take 2.72 miles and divide that by the distance between the 2 cities to get about 1030 days, now if we put that into years, months, weeks, days and hours we get 2 Years, 9 Months, 3 Weeks, 5 Days and 1 Hour