Step-by-step explanation:
Myth: Is a bigger penis better?
Truth: Penises come in all shapes and sizes. The idea that bigger is better is simply false. What really makes sex better is compatibility with your partner and open communication about what feels good and what doesn’t.
Myth: Vaginas are tight or loose depending on the amount of sex a person has had.
Truth: The “tight vs. loose” idea is fairly common, but it is purely false. The vagina is a muscle that expands and contracts. When a person is aroused, the walls of the vagina soften and lengthen, making insertion easier. If they are nervous, the walls of the vagina will naturally contract, making insertion difficult.
Myth: Sex is painful.
Truth: Sex should feel good –even if you are having sex for the first time or if you have had sex before . Feeling safe and comfortable is what’s important. If someone is nervous or tense, their muscles will contract, which may cause discomfort. If something does not feel good, tell your partner. You may need to slow down, use a lubricant or stop until you are feeling ready and comfortable.
Myth: Everyone is having sex.
Truth: It may seem like everyone is having more sex than you. The fact is everyone has different sex drives. Some people want to have sex a lot, while others are not interested in sex at all. What’s important is you are true to yourself and not worrying about what other people are doing.