A prefix in medical terminology is used at the beginning of a word that modifies the meaning of the word.
Some of the common prefix are:
- "Anti-" which means opposing or against. for example: Antibiotics - used anaginst bacteria.
- "Extra-" which means outside of, or outward. Example: extracellular - outside the cell.
- "Hyper"- which means excessive, beyond. Example: hyperthyroidism - excessive thyroid.
- "Macro-" which means Large. Example: Macromolecules - large molecules.
- "Trans-" refers to through or across. Example: Transmembrane - across the membrane.
A suffix in medical terminology is used at the end of the word in order to modify its meaning.
Some of thecommon suffixes are:
"-graphy" refers to process of recording. Example: ultrasonography - imaging technique.
"-itis" which means inflammation. Example: artheritis - inflammation of one or more joints.
"-phobia" means morbid fear of or intolerance. Example: Hydrophobia - morbid fear of water.
"-ology" refers to study of, process of study. Example: Analogy - cognitive process of transferring information.
"-oma" which means Tumor. Example: Lymphoma - blood tumor.
Hence, prefix and suffix modifies the meaning of words in medical terminology.