Data are set of values or raw facts that are meaningless, Information is data that has been processed in some way or data that has been given a context. Knowledge is gotten from information by making rules to it. Knowledge always needs a rule.
Step-by-step explanation:
(1) Data:
Data are a set of values or raw facts and figures.
Data are raw facts that are not useful because they lack relevance. the data can be words, numbers, images or sound
Information is either data that has been processed in some way or data that has been given a context or Examples of ways in which data can be processed are displaying the information clearly in a table, performing calculations, sorting the data.
Knowledge is gotten from information by applying rules to it. knowledge always needs a rule.
Data, information and knowledge are three main building blocks that make up a much bigger picture.
Data is simply a description of something that is then saved but not in an orderly manner. Information is an organized data that is useful. Knowledge is that data/information that is organised and then processed to make a better understanding. It is known that the three components works together.
With data being the first in the process. once the data has been classified, recorded and stored, it can then go on to the next phase of information. once the information has been organised in an orderly manner then it moves to the final phase of knowledge.
(2) In the world, an information in an organization or most likely knowledge is one of the most important resources, organizational capacities are based after the specific competencies in sharing and integrating information and knowledge.
Thus, most systems and knowledge writing attempts are not successful. in some cases, where there is technological or IT deficiencies included, the purpose of sharing is rarely attained and even reaching relative success is not simple (Hislop, 2002). the change in advancement is a unique characteristic of this new modern era, referred to as the grow older of information.
Organizations of this modern age are faced with the challenges of active stability at various levels.
Today, organizations are faced with such extensive amount of information and relief of knowing that controlling and using them effectively has become one of their major concerns. Operator’s knowledge based.