In both high synchronization group the mean of the variable is given positive which means that mean closeness rating has gone up after the synchronized excercise.
In the groups with low synchronization and high exertion the mean is given positive hence the mean closeness rating would go up after the synchronization excercise.
In the groups with low synhronization and low exertion the mean of the given variable is negative and hence the mean closeness rating after the synchronized excercise would go down.
Since the total degrees of freedom is 259, there would be 260 students in the analysis.
At 5% or 0.05 significance level the P-value is less than the signifcance level and hence we there must be a difference in the mean of the difference of before and after ratings for these combinations.
At 1% or 0.01 significance level the p-value is higher than signifcance level. Therefore the evidence indicates that the difference in the ratings after and before the synchronized excercise for all the four combinations is same.