A C programming language was used to write a file lorum.txt and counts the number of characters on each line.
Step-by-step explanation:
Raw_Code :
int main(){
FILE *read,*write; //creating file pointers
int line=1,count=0;
char ch;
read = fopen("lorum.txt","r"); //opening files to read and write
write = fopen("count.txt","w");
while((ch = getc(read))!=EOF){ //reading lines until end of the file
if(ch == '\\'){ //if new line character encountred
fprintf(write,"%d: %d\\",line,count); //Then printing count of that line to file
line++; //incrementing the count of lines
count = 0; //making characters count to 0
count++; //if it is not new line character then increasing character count
fprintf(write,"%d: %d",line,count); //writing last lines count to count.txt
return 0;