5 votes
(1) Reporting of Capital Assets. Are capital assets reported as a line-item in the government-wide statement of net position? Are nondepreciable capital assets reported on a separate line from depreciable capital assets, or are they separately reported in the notes to the financial statements? Do the notes include capital asset disclosures, such as those for the City and County of Denver shown in Illustration 5–2? Does the disclosure show beginning balances, increases and decreases, and ending balances for each major class of capital assets, as well as the same information for accumulated depreciation for each major class? Are these disclosures presented separately for the capital assets of governmental activities, business-type activities, and discretely presented component units? Do the notes specify capitalization thresholds for all capital assets, including infrastructure? Do the notes show the amounts of depreciation expense assigned to each major function or program for governmental activities at the government-wide level? Are the depreciation policies and estimated lives of major classes of depreciable assets disclosed? Do the notes include the entity’s policies regarding capitalization of collections of works of art and historical treasures? If collections are capitalized, are they depreciated?

User Brunorey
6.4k points

1 Answer

4 votes


Principal resources are reported as a line-item within the management wide declaration of net situation. Non-depreciable principal resources are individually reported within the proceedings to the money declarations. The revealing expressions starting equilibriums, will increase and reduces, and finish stabilities for every main category of principal assets, yet because the same info for accrued devaluation for every key category. These revelations are given individually for the wealth assets of administrative actions, occupational sort actions, and unnoticeably given part units. The summaries stipulate capitalization inceptions for all principal assets, together with arrangement. The summaries display the quantities of devaluation expenditure assigned to every major operate or package for administrative actions at the government-wide flat. The decline strategies and calculable lives of main categories of depreciable resources are released. Summaries do reveal the strategies relating to capitalization of assortment of skills and historic materials if some. These collectibles aren't criticized however market price of those art effort is measured to reason gain/ injury at the year finish. Accounting strategies for possessions no inheritable underneath capita tenancy are obviously mere

User Nicolas Lehuen
6.1k points