3333 and 4333
To know this, and to convert the fraction 77/...333 into a reducible fraction, we need first to analyze the numerator.
77 has two multiples. These are 7 and 11. This means that this number can only be divided by 7 or 11. You can prove this, bye multiplying 7*11 = 77.
So, the denominator should be a multiple of 7 and 11.
In order to know this,we should divide by 7 and 11 and see if the result is multiple of 7 or 11.
1. 1333/7 = 190.4; 1333/11 = 121.2 They are Not multiples
2. 2333/7 = 333.3; 2333/11 = 212.1 They are Not multiples
3. 3333/7 = 476.1; 3333/11 = 303 Multiple of 11
4. 4333/7 = 619; 4333/11 = 393.9 Multiple of 7
5. 5333/7 = 761.9; 5333/11 = 484.8 They are Not multiples
6. 6333/7 = 904.7; 6333/11 = 575.7 They are Not multiples
7. 7333/7 = 1047.6; 7333/11 = 666.6 They are Not multiples
8. 8333/7 = 1190.4; 8333/11 = 757.5 They are Not multiples
9. 9333/7 = 1333.3; 9333/11 = 848.5 They are Not multiples
Therefore we can conclude that only 3333 and 4333 are the possible cases to turn 77/...333 into a fraction reducible.