(–7, –3) and (7, –3). (negative,negative) and (positive, negative) Over Y
(–5, 4) and (5, –4) . (N,P) and (P,N) Over y=x
(1, –8) and (1, 8) . (P,N) and (P,P) Over X
(–3, 5) and (5, –3). (N,P) and (P,N) Over y=x
(N,P) (P,P)
(N,N) (P,N)
(- 7, - 3) and (7, - 3)
The best way to do this is to sketch the graph...when dealing with reflection in the y axis, the value for y remains the same and the value for x becomes negative if it was positive or becomes positive if it was negative
8.0m questions
10.6m answers