competition, predation, natural disasters
Step-by-step explanation:
The three factors that have the ability to cause slow growth rate of populations include competition, predation, and natural disasters.
Competition is a process whereby organisms jostle to get the share of the same resources for their growth and reproduction. It could be inter or intra-specific competition depending on if it involves organisms of different species or the same species.
Competition for limited resources in the environment of organisms results in a harmful process where organisms that are poorly adapted lose out of the race and eventually die off the population. This slows down the population growth of organisms.
Predation is a nutritional relationship between organisms in which the predator kills and feed on the prey. The presence of predators in a population of organisms limits the population from reaching its biotic potential as members of the population are killed and eaten at intervals.
Natural disasters such as disease outbreak, storm, volcanic eruption, etc also act and hinder a population from reaching its biotic potential as each time they happen, they reduce the number of organisms in the population.