See explaination
Step-by-step explanation:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
//we are creataing a structure and naming it 'datatype' using typedef
typedef struct structure
int n;
char ch;
char *stringp;
float f;
} datatype;
void main()
//declaring 5 'datatype' type pointers using array
datatype *dataArray[5];
int i;
char str[500];
//dynamically allocating the structure pointers
for(i = 0; i < 5; i++)
dataArray[i] = (datatype *)malloc(sizeof(datatype));
//loop for data input
for(i = 0; i < 5; i++)
printf("\\Enter Data for structure %d:\\", i + 1);
printf("Enter an integer: ");
scanf("%d", &dataArray[i]->n);
printf("Enter a single character: ");
//we need fflush to clear the input stream in order to be able
// to take new values
//notice the blankspace before %c, this makes scanf ignore the preceding '\\' character
scanf(" %c", &dataArray[i]->ch);
//we need fflush to clear the input stream in order to be able
// to take new values
printf("Enter a string: ");
//dynamically allocating the size of stringp to fit the input string
dataArray[i]->stringp = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen(str) + 1));
strcpy(dataArray[i]->stringp, str);
printf("Enter a float: ");
scanf("%f", &dataArray[i]->f);
//output loop 1
for(i = 0; i < 5; i++)
printf("\\\\Structure %d", i + 1);
printf("\\Structure %d pointer: %p", i + 1, dataArray[i]);
printf("\\Character: %c", dataArray[i]->ch);
printf("\\Integer: %d", dataArray[i]->n);
printf("\\String: %s", dataArray[i]->stringp);
printf("\\Floating Point: %.1f", dataArray[i]->f);
//freeing the 5 pointers of memory
for(i = 0; i < 5; i++) free(dataArray[i]);
//output loop 2
printf("\\\\After free the malloc - the pointer are: ");
for(i = 0; i < 5; i++)
printf("\\Structure %d pointer: %p", i + 1, dataArray[i]);