See explaination
Step-by-step explanation:
#Define the function square_all() having a list of
#integers. This function will return a list of square
#of all integer included in the given list.
def square_all(num_list):
#Create an empty list to store resultant list.
sq_list = []
#Start a for loop till the length of the given list.
for index in range(0, len(num_list)):
#Multiply the current list value with its value
#and append the resultant value in the list
#sq_list in each iteration.
sq_list.append(num_list[index] * num_list[index])
#Return the final list of squares of all integrs in
#the list num_list.
return sq_list
#Declare and initialize a list of integers.
intList = [2, 4]
#Call the function square_all() and pass the above list
#as argument of the function. Display the returned list.