Final answer:
The Hungarian Algorithm is an efficient algorithm that can solve Dum`bledore's problem of assigning instructors to committees while minimizing the total cost. It involves creating a matrix of costs, subtracting row and column minimums, finding and covering zeros, and updating the matrix until an optimal assignment is achieved.
Step-by-step explanation:
To solve Dum`bledore's problem efficiently, we can use the concept of a min-cost max-flow algorithm. This algorithm combines the concepts of flow networks and minimum-cost matching to find the optimal assignment of instructors to committees while minimizing the total cost.
Here's an overview of the algorithm:
1. Create a flow network representation of the problem. Each instructor will be represented by a node, and each committee will be represented by a node. Add a source node and a sink node.
2. Add edges between the source node and the instructors. The capacity of these edges will be set to 3, representing the maximum number of committees an instructor can be assigned to. The cost of these edges will be 0.
3. Add edges between the instructors and the committees they are suitable for. The capacity of these edges will be set to 1, representing the number of instructors needed for each committee. The cost of these edges will be the price declared by the instructor for serving on that committee.
4. Add edges between the committees and the sink node. The capacity of these edges will be set to the number of instructors needed for each committee. The cost of these edges will be 0.
5. Run the min-cost max-flow algorithm on the flow network. This algorithm will find the maximum flow from the source to the sink while minimizing the total cost.
6. Once the algorithm is complete, the assignments can be determined based on the flow. If an edge from an instructor to a committee has flow equal to 1, it means that the instructor is assigned to that committee. The total cost of the assignment is equal to the minimum cost found by the algorithm.
7. If there is no valid assignment whose total cost is finite, the algorithm will report it by detecting that the total flow from the source to the sink is less than the total number of instructors.
By using the min-cost max-flow algorithm, we can efficiently solve Dum`bledore's problem and find the optimal assignment of instructors to committees while minimizing the total cost. The algorithm guarantees that all the given constraints are satisfied, such as committee fullness, instructor limits, suitability, and willingness.