E. Working harder.
Step-by-step explanation:
Motivation is getting people to work in order to accomplish a set goal. It is also the process of bringing out the best in people by making them know the reason for motivating them, which is premised on their needs not yet fulfilled.
It is the duty of manager to influence his or surbodinate positively in terms of being productive in order to improve their capacity and efficiency. A well motivated employee will have on the job satisfaction and individual self development.
Employees can be motivated through payment of incentives like bonus for working extra hours or for working on weekend which is outside of the normal working days.There is also affiliation motivation, which is a desire to socially relate with people and achievement motivation, which is a desire to purse a goal and achieve it.
As in the case above, Randy might gnore his feeling of not being adequately rewarded and work harder in next quarter.