You would never call opossums picky eaters! For example, adult female opossums slurp out the yolk from inside birds' eggs. Some of their favorite foods include: insects, earthworms, and slugs, as well as snakes, lizards, mice, and small birds. Also human garbage and dead animals rate high on the opossums' favorite food list. They eat whatever their nose leads them to. If the female has baby opossums, at night they ride her back like a load of kids in a mini-van. This is the way the young opossums learn what kind of food to look for as their mom snuffles and shuffles about, looking for a meal.
describe how opossums are picky eaters.
give information about the opossum diet.
persuade people to leave their garbage out at night for opossums to eat.
explain how funny looking opossums are with babies riding on their backs.