Answer: Please refer to Explanation
Step-by-step explanation:
1. More customers are indeed purchasing online in this ever developing technological scene in this 21st century. One just has to look at the value of Amazon with it's over a trillion dollars market Capitalization. They have cornered the online scene and are reaping the benefits.
Things are looking quite bleak for offline retailers because these online stores offer one great thing, Convenience. Along with that they offer things like discounts and free delivery.
To reverse the trend that online stores have, offline retailers need to MATCH the SERVICES they OFFER as well as CAPITALIZE on the services they DON'T OFFER.
For instance, online stores do not have that personal touch of a sales person guiding them and explaining the perks of a product. In essence, retailers should work on their CUSTOMER SERVICE. They should treat customers in such a way that the customers would always want their assistance when buying things and would not mind coming all the way to the store to buy it. This is one way to hit them in places they don't offer services in.
Then you can also hit them in areas they rule. Such as opening a small website and marketing your goods. The world is moving online and to avoid it is death. Make a small website that has your products and offer delivery services coupled with telemarketing to explain anything needed.
2. Brick and Mortar stores are still very important even in this day and age. With Brick and Mortar stores things like trust are easier to establish. This is because when you come to buy your goods you can touch them, you can see and smell them, you KNOW what you ARE BUYING. With online sites you can sometimes buy something and another thing arrives and returning it can be a hassle. With Brick and Mortar stores you can buy knowing that you bought what you saw you wanted and even if you want to return it you can.
Brick and Mortar stores also provide an actual SHOPPING EXPERIENCE because when you're in them you're surrounded by goods not just staring at a screen. You can also socialise with people here and build valuable relationships.
Brick and Mortar stores are still very much important.