Simulation results:
- the average monthly profit resulting from its policy of stocking 100 routers at the beginning of each month is $4237.
- percentage of total demand is satisfied: 92%.
Step-by-step explanation:
We have to consider three factors to calculate the profit:
- Sales. Every unit sold adds (125-75)=$50 to the profit. We have to consider the condition that the maximum amount of units that can be sold is 100 units.
- The remains cost. If the monthly demand is under 100 units, the profit is reduced by $15 per each remaining unit.
- The shortage cost. For each unit demanded that exceeds the 100 units, the profit is reduced by $30.
The equation can be expressed as:

A simulation with 10,000 trials is done, and the average monthly profit calculated for this policy is $4237.
The demand was calculated with the Excel function INT(NORMINV(RAND(),100,20)), to mimic a normal distribution with mean 100 and standard deviation 20.
b) The satisified demand is calculated for each trial as the minimum value between Q (quantity demanded) and 100, as if Q is bigger than 100, only 100 units of the demand are satisfied.
The percentage of total demand satisfied is: