The Route Algorigtm finds the short route that is efficient, in order to find the solution following pathways.
From the pictures from the complete question,
STEP #1, there exist, three routes, which are:
and AD.
*AB is not viable because of the negative distance, so it can be removed .
* the AC distance is 3,and AD distance is 8. Therefore, AC can be selected and because of AC efficiency is high compare to AD.
*from selected AC, the possible routes are ACB; 3 and ACE; 6. which are route shown in #2
* ACB is circled, because it's more shorter than ACE
*The possible routes are ACBE; 8 and ACBD; 7. which are route shown in #3 . Therefore, route ACBD is circled because it's more shorter.
From the analysis of the algorithm, the route ACBD route is the shortest and the most efficient