a) Consider Oil which is imported to United States a ton by Saudi Arabia and this is a direct result of the way that there is a great deal of supply of oil in United States however it isn't sufficient for providing food such an enormous populace and, that is the motivation behind why interest for oil is made from different nations and in light of the fact that it has solid relationship Saudi Arabia oil is imported from that nation.
b) most definitely Hofstadter social measurements assume a significant job in comprehension about what rankings are to be accepted, for example, the rankings of intensity separation record, rankings of independence community, the manliness rankings and so forth can get the chance to assume a significant job in understanding the way of life of the nation and consider the way of life of a nation is towards cooperation then one needs to adopt a polycentric strategy in understanding the way of life and furthermore in the event that one is less manly nature, at that point item, for example, correspondence and personal satisfaction depicting have request there overall. Abe the force separation record is time most interest in that specific nation business can be proceeded on the grounds that pretty much separated from the limitations it has nothing to do with the request and supply conditions in their nourishment this is applicable when contrasted with the other two referenced previously