Step-by-step explanation:
As you may already know, RNA is a single stranded molecule, unlike DNa which is a double stranded molecule. You should also already know that RNA is synthesized from one of the DNA strands, in a process called genetic transcription.
It is important to note that the ends of the DNA strands have "names", one end is called 5 'while the other end is called 3'. In DNA, the 5 'end of one is paired with the 3' end of the other strand. Both DNA and RNA are synthesized in the 5 '------> 3' direction of DNA. In the case of the RNA molecule, this means that the molecule synthesizes will have the ends of its strand formed in the 3 '----> 5' direction.
Accordingly, if an RNA strand is synthesized with a UG dinucleotide sequence, that strand may have the following orientations: