1) Public Issues
3) Morals
5) Precision
7) Decision making
8) Product Development
10) Bias
2) Technology
4) Science
6) Innovation
9) Policy
Step-by-step explanation:
1) In general terms, a public issue is a social problem which affects majority of people living in a society.
3) Morals: In simpler terms, morals are the standard rules which a individual sets for himself and determines what is wrong and what is right based on this standard.
5) Precision: In general terms, precision means the extent of accuracy that can be achieved.
7) Decision making: Decision making refers to pondering over the choices which are available and choosing among them.
8) Product development: The making of a product for customers.
10) Bias: an error
2) Technology: the use of scientific methods and tools by which life on Earth can be made more reliable.
6) Science: In simpler terms, science is the study of nature.