The overall purpose of this approach is to ensure that all volunteers are education and prepared on how to respond in the event that a disaster occurs.
Step-by-step explanation:
Records of previous disasters has shown that people who offer quick response services after a disaster to rescue trapped survivors are usually untrained personnel with good intentions of helping survivors. Most times, such spontaneous efforts to rescue survivors end up subjecting these people to serious issues, thereby compounding the problem. In this light, it has been agreed that rescue efforts must be planned and practiced so that in the event of a disaster, volunteers are well-trained to rescue people. In this way C.E.R.T volunteers have to use the methodical approach when providing assistance after a disaster. This includes: "the "Size Up" approach requires volunteers to; gather facts, assess and communicate the damage, consider probabilities, assess your own situation, establish priorities, make decisions, develop plans of action, take action, and evaluate your progress."