1 . accept take or receive (something offered)
2 . except exclude or omit
3 .eligible properly qualified
4. illegible handwriting or printing that is not plain enough to read
5 . explicit altogether clearly expressed; definite
6 . implicit understood, though not clearly expressed
7 . temerity all together reckless, boldness, rashness
8 . timidity shyness everyone in a group
9 . entirely to the whole extent;
1. Accept is to agree to receive or take something from someone, for example- She accepted my flowers as an apology.-
2. Except is when you exclude something or someone, for example - the teacher told us to read all the book expect chapter 5.-
3. Eligible is to be suitable or adequate for something, for example- He is very suitable for this job, he has a Ph in ecom¿nomy.-
4. Ilegible is when something that you are trying to read or see in an image is not clear, for example, -You have illegible handwriting, can you rewrite this in your computer?-
5. Explicit is something that is said and is clear to everyone, for example, John gave me very explicit instructions on how to build this table.-
6. Implicit is something that even though it is not said it is understood by everyone, for example, -there is some implicit content in this poem.-
7. Temerity is when you are a bold and reckless person that says something that offends another person, for example- Laura had the temerity to call me a thief-.
8. Timidly or shyness is everyone in a group when they do not know each other, they are nervous and uncomfortable, for example- Susan is vert shy she doesn't like to talk to strangers.-
9. Entirely is generally used to emphasize something or to say that it includes all, for example, it is entirely my fault, don't blame anyone else.-