a. DEPARTMENT(Number, Name,Loc)
b. ADVISER(ID, Name, Dep_Num, Loc)
c. COURSE(Code, Desc, Loc)
d. STUDENT(ID, Name, Code, Desc, AID, AName, Grade,Loc)
ADVISER(AID, AName, Dep_Num, Loc)
COURSE(Code, Desc, Loc)
To store a department number and name; the following syntax is needed.
The database name is written in uppercase (Preferred) while column names are written in lower case.
Let DEPARTMENT represent the name of the table
Let Number and Name represent the department number and department name.
The syntax goes thus;
DEPARTMENT(Number, Name,Loc)
We'll follow the same logic used in (a) above.
Let ADVISER represent the table name
Let AID, AName and Dep_Num represent the advisor number, name and number of department assigned to the advisor, respectively.
The syntax goes thus;
ADVISER(AID, AName, Dep_Num, Loc)
We'll follow the same logic used in (a) above.
Let COURSE represent the table name
Let Code and Desc represent the Course Code and Course Description.
The syntax goes thus;
COURSE(Code, Desc, Loc)
Here, we'll need 3 tables.
The first is the student table (that'll be created now).. while the other two tables are (b) and (c) above.
For a student, we need to store his or her number and name.
For each course the student has taken, store the course code, course description, and grade receive.
So, the table definition is (using the same logic)
STUDENT(ID, Name, Code, Desc, AID, AName, Grade,Loc)
ADVISER(AID, AName, Dep_Num, Loc)
COURSE(Code, Desc, Loc)