As you know, we have already been working with verbs in the past tense called the preterit. We have practiced with our endings:
-AR: -é, -aste, -ó, -amos, -asteis, -aron.
-ER/-IR: -iste, -ió, -imos, -isteis, -ieron.
Please try the following:
1. Yo TOMAR = _____
Answer 1: Yo tomé.
2. Ellos CAMINAR = _____
Answer 2: Ellos caminaron.
3. Nosotros ESTUDIAR = _____
Answer 3: Nosotros estudiamos.
4. Tú VENDER = _____
Answer 4: Tú vendiste.
5. Ud. SALIR = _____
Answer 5: Ud. salió.
6. Yo TRAGAR = _____
Answer 6: Yo tragué.
7. Yo COMENZAR = _____
Answer 7: Yo comencé.
8. Yo EMPACAR = _____
Answer 8: Yo empaqué.
9. Yo REZAR = _____
Answer 9: Yo recé.
10. Yo BUSCAR = _____
Answer 10: Yo busqué.
11. Yo LLEGAR = _____
Answer 11: Yo llegué.
12. Yo DANZAR = _____
Answer 12: Yo dancé.
13. Yo RONCAR = _____
Answer 13: Yo ronqué.
14. Yo CONJUGAR = _____
Answer 14: Yo conjugué.
15. Yo NEGAR = _____
Answer 15: Yo negué.
Explanation: When we form the preterit, we need to make sure that our spelling helps us maintain our correct pronunciation of words. So ...
When a verb infinitive ends in the letters: CAR
Answer: We are going to replace the C with a QU.
Example: TOCAR , preterit = TOQUÉ
When a verb infinitive ends in the letters: GAR
Answer: We are going to replace the G with a GU.
Example: ROGAR , preterit = ROGUÉ
When a verb infinitive ends in the letters: ZAR
Answer: We are going to replace the Z with a C.
Example: REZAR , preterit = RECÉ
But we will do this ONLY IN THE YO FORM