Dr. Begley’s research is high in external validity, but low in internal validity.
Step-by-step explanation:
External validity refers the degrees to which the conclusions or results of scientific research can be applied to other environment, people, times, and other situation; or the degree to which it can be applied to the real world. A research has a high external validity if it can be replicated in another setting, but has a low external validity if it cannot be applied to other settings.
Internal validity can be described as the extent to which a research is well carried out such that it circumvents confounding, outside or extraneous variables that can provide misleading results from a research. A research has a high internal validity if it avoids confounding variables, while it has a low internal validity if it cannot prevent confounding variables.
Based on these description, Dr. Begley’s research is high in external validity because her sample is very representative of other factory workers. However, her research is low in internal validity because, she cannot control or prevent other things that might affect their satisfaction. That is, she cannot avoid confounding, outside or extraneous variables.
In summary, Dr. Begley’s research is high in external validity, but low in internal validity.