The probability that the error occurred when Engineer 2 made the mistake is 0.462 on the other hand the probability that the error occurred when the engineer 1 made the mistake is 0.538
Step-by-step explanation:
denote the event that the 1st engineer does the we write
denote the event that the 2nd engineer does the work .So we write
Let O denote the event during which the error occurred .so we write
- The probability that the error occurred when the first engineer performed the work is
- The probability that the error occurred when the first engineer performed the work is

Now we need to find when did the error in the work occur so we will compare the probability of the work done by engineer 1 and engineer 2
lets find the Probability of the Engineer 1
Using Bayes theorem,we get
=0.02*0.7/0.02*0.7+0.04*0.3 = 0.014/0.026=0.538
lets find the Probability of the Engineer 2
Since ,0.462<0.538 so it is more prominent that the Engineer 1 did the work when the error occurred