a. The very first liquid process, when heated from 1250 degree Celsius, is expected to form at the temperature by which the vertical line crosses the phase boundary (a -(a + L)) which is about 1310 degree Celsius.
b. The structure of that first liquid is identified by the intersection with ((a+ L)-L) phase boundary; 47wt %of Ni is of a tie line formed across the (a+ L) phase area at 1310 degrees.
c. To find the alloy's full melting, it is determined that the intersection of the same vertical line at 60 wt percent Ni with (a -(a+L)) phase boundary is around 1350 degrees.
c. The structure of the last remaining solid before full melting correlates to the intersection with the phase boundary (a -(a + L), of the tie line built at 1350 degrees across the (a + L) phase area, being 72wt % of Ni.