1. Information regarding ethnic backgrounds and household income facilitates market segmentation. A. True THIS IS CALLED DEMOGRAPHIC SEGMENTATION
2. A marketing plan is a formal written document which directs activities for a specific time. A. True A MARKETING PLAN LIKE ANY OTHER PLAN MUST BE WRITTEN AND DESCRIBE THE MARKETING OBJECTIVES AND ACTIVITIES FOR A SPECIFIC PERIOD OF TIME
3. A time frame will help determine if a marketing plan objective has been reached. A. True THE MARKETING OBJECTIVES MUST BE MEASURABLE AND THEY SHOULD BE ACHIEVED BY A CERTAIN TIME PERIOD
4. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the most racially and ethnically diverse age group is Generation Y. A. True GENERATION Y INCLUDES THE PEOPLE BORN IN THE 1980s AND EARLY 1990s AND THEY ARE ALSO CALLED MILLENNIALS
5. Businesses can use database technology to provide products to a specified target market. A. True CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT (CRM) USES DATABASE TECHNOLOGY TO OFFER CUSTOMIZED PRODUCTS
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