1 vote
Write a MASM program to calculate Fibonacci numbers:

1. Display the program title and your name. Then get the user's name and greet the user.
2. Prompt the user to enter the number of Fibonacci terms to be displayed. Advice the user to enter an integer in the range [1 - 46).
3. Get and validate the user input.
4. Calculate and display all of the Fibonacci numbers up to and including the nth term. The results should be displayed 5 terms per line with at least 5 spaces between terms.
5. Display a goodbye message that includes the user's name and terminates the program.
1. The main procedure must be divided into the following sections:
a. Introduction
b. User instructions
c. Get the data
d. Calculate and display Fibonacci numbers
e. Say goodbye
2. The loop that implements data validation must be implemented as a post-test loop.
3. The loop that calculates the Fibonacci terms must be implemented using the MASM loop instruction.
4. The upper and lower limits should be defined as constants
5. All the requirements regarding documentation, readability, user-friendliness apply.
1. You can display the Fibonacci numbers as they are generated. You don't need to store them.
2. The first two Fibonacci terms are both 1. All other terms are the sum of the two previous terms. E.g. term-3 = term-1 + term-2
Example execution (user input is in italics):
Fibonacci Numbers
Programmed by Leonardo Pisano
What's your name? Jerry
Hello, Jerry
Enter the number of Fibonacci terms to be displayed
Give the number as an integer in the range (1 .. 46).
How many Fibonacci terms do you want? 50
Out of range. Enter a number in [1 ..46]
How many Fibonacci terms do you want?
1 2 3 4 5
8 13 21 34 55
89 144 233 377
Results certified by Leonardo Pisano.
Goodbye, Jerry

1 Answer

5 votes



programmerName BYTE "PROGRAMMER NAME", 0


prompt_1 BYTE "WHAT IS YOUR NAME? ", 0

prompt_2 BYTE "Enter the number of Fibonacci terms you want to display between [1 - 46]", 0

num_fibo DWORD ?

previous1 DWORD ?

previous2 DWORD ?

spaces BYTE " ",0

goodbye BYTE "Goodbye, ", 0

first2 BYTE "1 1 ", 0

first1 BYTE "1", 0

temp DWORD ?

moduloFive DWORD 5



;user's name

buffer BYTE 21 DUP(0)

byteCount DWORD ?

;greet the user

hi BYTE "Hi, ",0


highError BYTE "The number you entered is too high! Please enter number below 46", 0

lowError BYTE "The number you entered is too low! Please eneter number above 1", 0

;EC -> Setting Background Color and Text Color

val1 DWORD 11

val2 DWORD 16


main PROC

; setting text color to teal

mov eax, val2

imul eax, 16

add eax, val1

call setTextColor

; introduction

mov edx, OFFSET programTitle

call WriteString

mov edx, OFFSET programmerName

call WriteString

call CrLf

; EC Prompt

mov edx, OFFSET ec_prompt

call WriteString

call CrLf

mov edx, OFFSET prompt_1

call WriteString

call CrLf

; get user's name

mov edx, OFFSET buffer ;point to the buffer

mov ecx, SIZEOF buffer ; specify max characters

call ReadString

mov byteCount, eax

; greet the user

mov edx, OFFSET hi

call WriteString

mov edx, OFFSET buffer

call WriteString

call CrLf



mov edx, OFFSET prompt_2

call WriteString

call CrLf


call ReadInt

mov num_fibo, eax

; Validate user data


jg TooHigh


jl TooLow

je JustOne

cmp eax, 2

je JustTwo

; displayFibs

mov ecx, num_fibo

sub ecx, 3 ; we start at iteration 3, the first two are taken care of by JustOne and JustTwo

mov eax, 1

call WriteDec

mov edx, OFFSET spaces

call WriteString

call WriteDec

mov edx, OFFSET spaces

call WriteString

mov previous2, eax

mov eax, 2

call WriteDec

mov edx, OFFSET spaces

call WriteString

mov previous1, eax


add eax, previous2

call WriteDec

mov edx, OFFSET spaces

call WriteString

mov temp, eax

mov eax, previous1

mov previous2, eax

mov eax, temp

mov previous1, eax

mov edx, ecx


div moduloFive

cmp edx, 0

jne skip

call CrLf


mov eax, temp

loop fib

jmp TheEnd


mov edx, OFFSET highError

call WriteString

jmp TopPrompt


mov edx, OFFSET lowError

call WriteString

jmp TopPrompt


mov edx, OFFSET first1

call WriteString

jmp TheEnd


mov edx, OFFSET first2

call WriteString

jmp TheEnd



call CrLf

mov edx, OFFSET goodbye

call WriteString

mov edx, OFFSET buffer

call WriteString

call CrLf

exit ; exit to operating system

main ENDP

END main

User Stephany
6.5k points