Step-by-step explanation:
--> push_back() will insert the element given argument at the end of vector.
--> We will see amortized time taken for inserting n elements.
--> For inserting upto n/2 elements it takes O(1) time for each.
--> So, total time is O(n/2)
--> After that if we have to insert one more element, we have to allocate a new array that is twice the
size of the original, and then copying the original elements into the new array before appending the
new element.
--> Time Taken for this is O(1) for creating array and O(n/2) for copying.
--> Now, we can insert remaining n/2 elements in O(n/2).
--> So, total time is
T(n) = O(n/2) + O(1) + O(n/2) + O(n/2)
= O(3n/2 + 1)
= O(n)
--> Constants won't matter in Big-O notation.
--> So, for pushing 1 element by using push_back is O(1) because for n is O(n).