An aside is a brief remark that a character directs privately to the audience or to another character.
Step-by-step explanation:
A story that contains some message to be delivered to the audience through some role players is called a drama. The drama can also be known as a play. A dialogue refers to those sequence of words that are spoken by the role players in a drama. The objects or the things that are used on the stage where the drama takes places refers to a prop. A monologue can be considered as a speech which is lengthy and it is delivered by one person who stands on the stage and the others will remain listening to it.
An aside is a device used in drama to convey message to the spectators. It is conveyed only by one person or a character. It is used for making the audience to feel that the words spoken by a character is unheard by other characters in the drama. It is directed only to the audience or to another character.