There will be no contact between the two cells inside the living being body or neural system. Which will results neither polarization or depolarization of the neural body.
Step-by-step explanation:
- The neurotransmitter and the mechanism to operate for the nervous system:
The nervous system basically operates on the process of having two regions with a difference in there polarities. While, the depolarizing and polarizing of the synaptic clefts of the different neurons results in the process of transmission of the neural message or changes across the system. As, the neurotransmitter are small packets or sacks of the chemicals called as the neurotransmitters. They are present in large amount on one of the cleft as compared to the other neuron, which makes a differences in the polarization level. As one of the neuron is in polarized form, while the other neuron is in less polarized form which results in the depolarization process.
- Adrenaline,
- Dopamine. etc