(1) c. Offers a negative-sounding apology
(2) c. Fails to offer a clear explanation
Step-by-step explanation:
At the closing part of the letter, a negative sounding apology can demoralize the employees.
Hubert should have offered a well-informed explanation without sounding negative.
The letter can be re-written as follows:
Date: May 10
To: All Employees
From: Anne Leller Manager, Classic Car Restoration Inc.
Subject: Three Shelby Mustangs
You all have to work overtime next week because we must have the three 1965 Shelby Mustangs ready for Bruce Willis, one of our best clients.
We need to make sure to use all original engine parts and add a top-of-the-line clear coat on all three cars.
Additionally, the client purchased the original radios for each car, so we should install those too.
I apologize for any inconvenience, unfortunately, I am unwilling to make exceptions to this request at this point of time. However, you will surely receive an additional bonus for working overtime along with your salary.