In a scientific investigation two types of objectives must be raised: General and Specific, the general determines the scope, purpose, depth and directionality of the research or project. Instead, the specific one refers to the different aspects that you want to achieve. The specific objectives divide the purpose into several parts and address each part separately. To write the types of objectives in a scientific investigation, the following must be considered:
1) The information on the objectives should cover the scope and purpose of the investigation, especially the general objective.
2) the general objectives refer to broad results and the specific objectives to particular situations.
3) the objectives must be raised by means of verbs in infinitives according to or related to the approach.
4) For an investigation, for a General, several specific objectives must be raised.
5) The realization of the specific objectives allows to reach the corresponding general objective in scientific research.
Example: Propose a social marketing plan, aimed at the population of Miami, for the strengthening of values: Honesty, respect, tolerance and responsibility in young people.